Dear Parents, huat,zLS
亲爱的爱贝家长, ."u
ABIE English always takes the requirements of day schools as our minimum standards. The Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (SMEC) and the China Centre of Disease Control (CDC) have advised that a 14 day self-quarantine should take place prior to the start of school. A self-quarantine record needs to be kept and this must take the form of temperature checking. Attached for your convenience is a form for you to use so your temperature records for each member of your family is in one place. Temperature checking should begin on Monday 3rd February for all families. Further instructions can be found on the attached form. ,9.-A-Yw
一直以来,爱贝坚持日校的标准是爱贝的最低标准。根据中国疾病预防控制中心以及上海市教委的要求,开学前应进行为期14天的自我隔离。学生需保存自我隔离记录并每日测量体温。为了方便操作,这份通知随附一份表格供您使用,以便记录每位家庭成员的体温记录。请于2月3日(星期一)开始对所有跟孩子住在一起的家庭成员进行体温检测。附件表格中也列有详细说明。 UJ?qGOM3x>
Currently, SMEC and the CDC are not asking for any other type of quarantine other than self-quarantine. They are not asking for isolation at home, only temperature checking. Also, at this stage, we do not know if you will be asked to give the self-quarantine record in prior to the school opening, hopefully on Monday 17th February. If this becomes an SMEC and CDC requirement, we will let you know immediately. Our advice to all parents is to print the attached form and keep an accurate record from Monday 3rd February. P1_ZGeom*
目前,除了在家隔离,国家疾控和上海市教委并未要求其他类型的隔离或检疫。目前只要求检查体温,也并未要求学生禁闭在家不可外出。另外,在这个阶段,我们不知道会否要求学生在开学时(目前计划是 2 月 17 日)提交自我隔离体温监测记录。如果国家疾控或上海市教委有此要求,我们会立即通知您。我们建议所有家长从2月3日(星期一)开始打印附件中的表格并做好准确的记录。 S x0QPX
We will send specific school updates via JiaXiaoTong or WeChat accounts. 5jey%)=
特殊时期,我们将通过家校通或微信通知的形式向您发送更加具体的更新信息。 0!tw)HR%
In the face of difficulties, we hope to pull together with you to tide over the difficulties. Stay safe and healthy and we look forward to contacting you with more positive news soon. !;, Dlq-}
面对困难,爱贝希望与您齐心协力,攻克难关。保持安全和健康,我们期待着尽快与您联系并带来更多积极的好消息。 M5Q7izM
Regards, ))xP]Mu v
ABIE English Headquarters /%{Qf