第二届学习马拉松颁奖仪式 为了满足人民日益增长的生活需求,各种多元化的商品及生活用品纷涌而至。随之而来的是日益增多的生活垃圾,对环境造成了极大的压力,有些城市已经出现了垃圾围城的现象。很显然,垃圾分类已成为我国需要解决的迫在眉睫的问题。今天在英侨英语教学中心我们以垃圾分类环保为主题展开了一场ECA活动。
We are buying more and more things nowadays which leads to an increasing amount of household waste, which has caused great pressure on the environment. Some cities have already experience garbage classification. It has become an urgent problem to be solved in our country. Today at Inspire English we launched an ECA campaign on the theme of waste separation and environmental protection.
Before the start of environmental education, we gave awards to the students who won our second English learning marathon held during the summer vacation.
垃圾分类环保教育 我们通过三个模块来向同学们分析垃圾分类有什么意义。首先我们观看了一个纪录片“三分钟教你学会垃圾分类”,同学们都很认真。之后就是我们的第一个模块:
什么是垃圾分类? 垃圾分类是指按照垃圾的不同成分、属性、利用价值以及对环境的影响,并根据不同处理方式的要求,分成属性不同的若干种类。通俗的讲,垃圾分类就是在源头将垃圾分类投放,并通过分类收集、分类运输、分类处理,实现垃圾减量化、资源化、无害化处理。
We use three modules to analyze the significance of garbage classification. First of all, we watched a documentary named "three minutes to teach you how to classify garbage". All the students were very attentive. Then came our first module:
What is garbage classification? Garbage classification refers to the classification of garbage into several categories with different properties according to different components, attributes, utilization value, environmental impact, and according to the requirements of different treatment methods. Generally speaking, garbage classification means reducing the environmental impact of throwing things away through classification collection, transportation and treatment.
垃圾处理的现状 我们每个人每天都会扔出许多垃圾,你们知道这些垃圾它们到哪里去了吗?
它们通常是先被送到堆放场,然后再送去填埋。 垃圾填埋的费用是高昂的,处理一吨垃圾的费用约为200元至300元人民币。人们大量地消耗资源,大规模生产,大量地消费,又大量地产生着废弃物。
The current state of garbage disposal Each of us throws out a lot of rubbish every day. Do you know where the rubbish goes?
They are usually sent to a storage yard and then to a landfill. Landfills are expensive, costing between 200 and 300 RMB to dispose of a tonne of rubbish. People consume a lot of resources and produce a lot of waste.
When explaining this module, the teacher also asked the students questions, and the students answered the questions actively.
垃圾分类小游戏 根据日常知识,对图片中的物品进行分类,小朋友们积极交流,相信以后他们对于垃圾分类环保这方面会有更加深刻的记忆,希望本次环保教育ECA能给同学们带来些许帮助,如此生动的教学你记住了吗?
Garbage sorting game Armed with their previously acquired knowledge, the children got into teams and classified various items into the different bins. All students seemed to gain a lot from this activity and hopefully they will be able to utilize this knowledge in their daily life in the very near future.