[font=-apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, &]四月,金风和煦,万物复苏,正是春游的好时节!4月7日我们在撒野农场度过了开心的一天。
April, with its soft golden winds, a perfect time to recover from the cold winter, is a great opportunity for spring outings! We spent a happy day on the farm.
After arriving at the farm, we first reach our destination by rickshaw.
It's time to play after we reach our destination! Parents and children are involved in the activities, organised by the group leader.
游戏结束后,教练带着我们去体验了一下非洲鼓,大家都很努力的向老师学习,老师一共教了两首歌,《Rock you》和《小宝贝》,大家学的很快,一会儿就有模有样的了。学习结束后就是午饭时间啦!
After the game, the coach took us to experience the African drum, we all worked very hard to learn from the teacher, the teacher taught a total of two songs, "Rock you" and "Little Baby", we learnt the beats very quickly, in a short while we all had the rhythm. After learning how to drum, it was time for lunch.

After lunch, the children had free activities. They bought bubble water in the small shop. The colorful bubbles flew higher and higher under the warm sunshine.
Free activity ended with a climbing experience. With the help of the coach, the children began to climb the tree, after putting on the protective equipment.
Later we went to do pottery, parents and children were very involved. After pottery, we milked the goat's milk, and then used the goat's milk to make sheep's milk soap. A variety of small molds were particularly lovely.
Gradually, our activities came to an end. Our last trip was to grind soybean milk for the goats that just provided milk for us. After grinding soybean milk, we got on the bus to go home.